I taught myself how to write programs in 1982 when I got myself a TI 99/4A Home Computer. I started with the Basic Language and also started to show my son Shawn how to both RUN and LIST programs that I had written. He soon wanted to know how to write his own programs so I showed him how it was done. Eventually we moved from Basic into Assembly Language at which time Shawn took off like a rocket and soon surpassed me with his knowledge of that language. We created Red Baron Software to write and sell programs together. I had a knack for the Graphics end and my son handled the hard code end. We fit together like a hand and glove complimemting each others strengths and weaknesses. He wanted to go to college and get a degree in computer programming. Unfortunately this all came to and end in March of 1996 when my son died of Addisons disease. So I am offering the programs that we wrote together for FREE. Just download and enjoy.

I have completed my Pima College classes in Computer Programming. I can now program in Basic, Extended Basic, 9900 Assembly, HTLM, QuickBasic, Pascal, 8086 Assembly, Visual Basic Version 6.0, Access 97, C language, C++, SQL and Java. I have a Visual Basic Certificate and a C programing Certificate.

I have written and sold custom programs to both individuals and companys. I hope to get a job working for someone on a full time permanent basis.